
Git Basics

There are several basic git commands we should know.

  1. git status : Shows current status of files in a git-registered directory.
  2. git add [file / file directory] : Stages files or files under the directory. Files declared in .gitignore file will be excluded.
    Note If you commit some files and that file becomes tracked, it cannot be excluded by .gitignore. You need to delete the file first and then commit first in order to exclude the file.
  3. git commit -m "[message]" : Commit with the message you want.
  4. git push [local dir] [remote] : Upload files to your remote
  5. git checkout -b "[branch name]" : create a branch, and shift to that branch.
  6. git log : shows log of your git activity.
  7. git reset HEAD [id] : you can reset your git status to the point of the id.
  8. git checkout [HASH] : lets you observe the files at that specific log time.
  9. git merge [branch] : merge the other branch into current branch.
  10. git merge --abort : aborts your merge when it has conflicted.