HTTP Basics

HTTP basics

HTTP allows two types of messages to be transferred between client and server. Both HTTP Request and HTTP Response have common format, and contains HTTP Header and HTTP Body.

HTTP Header

  • Contains info about HTTP Body and Request/Response.
  • In name-value pair.

Types of HTTP Headers

3 parts.

  1. General Header
  2. Request/Response Header
  3. Entity Header

1.General Header

General info - date, time of the message generated, etc. This header is common to both Request and Response.

Cache-Control, Connection, Date, Pragma, Trailer, Transfer-Enco, Upgrade, Via, Warning

2.Request/Response Headers

Presents when you make a request to the server or server sends a response back to the client.

Request Header : Accept, Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, Authorization, Expect, From, Host, If-Match, If-Modified-Since, If-None-Match, If-Range, If-Unmodified-Since, Max-Forwards, Proxy-Authorization, Range, Referer, TE, User-Agent

3.Entity Header

Contains info about actual message or HTTP body being sent. Content length, language of content, encoding, expiration dateā€¦

Allow, Content-Encoding, Content-Language, Content-Length, Content-Location, Content-MD5, Content-Range, Content-Type, Expires, Last-Modified, extension-header

*Note: Since entity header is related with the body message, body formats, specifications, length and others must fit with what is defiend with entity header (I experienced a full hour jam because of this)
