Archive: 2017

PHP Predefined Variables & Magic Constants

Predefined Variables Superglobals : Superglobals - built-in variables that are always available in all scopes. Starts with $_ + $GLOBALS $GLOBALS : all variables available in global scope $_SERVER: se

PHP Unit Test Study

My personal attempt to learn unit test in PHP, using PHPUnit. I used two following examples to learn. reference1: reference2:

AWS Cognito with JavaScript SDK

브라우저용 / node.js 용으로 구분하여 사용할 수 있는데, 여기서는 브라우저용을 사용한다.주의: 현재 IE 10+ 이상을 지원하므로, 테스트 용도로는 브라우저 세팅을 사용했으나 추후 node.js로 바꿔서 node.js API를 호출해서 사용해야 할 것으로 예상 SDK를 이 리파지토리에서 다운받는다 /dist/aws-cognito-sdk.min.

Learning Python(1)

References : Learning Python Why use Python? Software quality: Readability, coherence, software quality. Developer productivity: Less code, fast run Portability: runs in all major platforms Many usefu

AWS Solution Architect Associate - Short summary

The instance performs a normal shutdown and stops running; its status changes to stopping and then stopped. Any Amazon EBS volumes remain attached to the instance, and their data persists. Any data s

Preparation for AWS SAA Certificate

Test guides

도커의 컨테이너

이 글을 요약/번역한 글입니다. 컨테이너와 VM의 차이 목적은 비슷함: 애플리케이션과 그 디펜던시들을 독립된 단위로 묶어 격리, 어디서든 실행 가능하게 하기 컨테이너와 VM 모두 물리적 하드웨어가 없어도 되게 하여 컴퓨터의 자원을 보다 더 효율적으로 (에너지 / 비용면 둘다) 결정적인 차이는 설계에 있음 VM 실제 컴퓨터의 에뮬레이션으로, 프로그램을

Learning AWS (Packtpub) Summary

This is a summary of the eBook from Packtpub, Learning AWS Cloud service models Iaas (Infrastructure as a Service) - Users deploy & run their own apps on a service that they can control provision

Hexo Review

Has been only two days since I’ve used Hexo, but I found several pros and cons that people might find interesting. Pro Super easy & Fast deploymentAll you need to do is write up your markdown file

Google Analytics on Hexo

I’ve implemented Google Analytics to my blog :) I have always been interested in user(audience) analysis, and wanted to implement Google Analytics to my personal website. So I did! Here’s brief review