Archive: 2017

Github Pages With Hexo

After around 2 full months of keeping up TIL repository, I’ve FINALLY managed to move on to Github Pages. There were several thresholds for me before, which were I was not used to Markdowns. I had t

TIL to blog

So I am moving away from TIL repository to a blog, where I can just store random thoughts and code snippets.I’ll still use Medium for a longer, polished articles but I thought Github Pages would be be

Symfony Review-2

DoctrineSymfony does not have core component that works with Databases. Instead, it uses third-party library called Doctrine.Doctrine allows building database schema through Entity Class, retrieving i

Symfony Review-1

I have been trying out Symfony today, and while I was working on it, I faced some difficulties and issues.I decided to leave some progress review on this. Installing SymfonyThis is simple if you follo

Installing a Package

Update existing software packages 1sudo yum update -y Add program repo 1sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/[program].repo [repo address] Import key file from the repository 1sudo rpm --import [key addre


Recently I’ve been using Codeigniter, and here’s how to use or create CI library. How to use itCI default libraries are located in system/libraries, and in order to use it, you just need to initialize


Keywords: Continuous Integration, Hudson Installed on a central build server to let developers know the changed source code and trigger a build / run tests Continuous Integration : a development p

Symfony on AWS Linux

This is a step by step write up for how to prepare your AWS Linux server environment for Symfony. Get your EC2 instance with AWS Linux. I set everything default so that I can enjoy Free Tier. I stron

DB Replication to RDS

Please refer to this document for official guidelines. I will be discussing only tips I gained while I was doing this. You will have to set unique server id in your /etc/my.cnf file. Add the followin

AWS (2)

Route53Provides Domain / DNS related services + health check if needed. Steps to switch name server with existing Domain Create Hosted Zone in Route53. Enter domain that you own. Confirm 2 records ge